Saturday, March 12, 2011

Scared of Artist Bio

I received the email this week from Quilting Arts with the article guidelines and photo requirements. So, I will be tackling that this week, as I will actually be in Mexico when it is due! I'm really excited about this adventure, and crazy nervous at the same time. I worry I will get something wrong or that they will get my article and think they made a mistake in accepting me! These are irrational fears I hope, especially since Pokey appears to be one of the sweetest ladies ever. I'm just going to assume that this is a common reaction for someone new to this.

The trickiest thing so far, is the writing of the small bio. I'm not sure what to say about myself. Should I talk about my art? Or should I talk about my industry blog, The Fiber Nation? This part has me so freaked out I want to bury my head in the ground and hide! I can't though, I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to get myself "out there".

My most amazing husband stood in line with me for HOURS Friday, waiting for the iPad 2. I'm happy to report I am typing in it right now! I consider it to be another addition to my creative arsenal (not to mention way cool!) I am still getting used to the keyboard, so I am a bit slower than I am used to. I look forward to more easily being able to write and blog while I am out and about.

I also treated my feet to a new pair of funky shoes! These should look cute with capris and skirts this summer:

Now I am off to stare at a new blank Paige waiting for 40-60 words to come to me about myself - wish me luck!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Norma Riehm said...

Look in the Quilting Arts magazine to see what others have come up with for bio's. That helped me when I had to do one a couple of weeks ago. I also lov the pic of you on facebook with the scarf?towel?