Monday, July 21, 2008


If you look directly below, you will see my new baby. The Iphone G3! I finally got my mitts on a phone today! (I'm still shocked!) This phone is perfect for me! It has: phone (duh), but also pretty much full internet, GPS, and a multitude of other applications! This is awesome for my studio, as I don't have a phone or internet! Now I pretty much do! And for those Simpsons fans out there, I named the phone "Jeebus". *snort*

I was able to get to my studio today after a work hiatus. (That is to say..I wasn't there because I was at a "real job".) The next couple of pictures are the result of my Homebrew Dye fabrics. The dark spots, which do not look all that interesting in the photos, are actually pretty interesting close up. They are the result of the mold that grew on the fabric. (You may say "eew", I say "keewl"!

The following photo is a few pieces of the Cabernet dyed fabrics. They are actually a prettier mauve than the pics seems to appear. The lighting wasn't so hot, and I used my new iphone camera (no flash). Some of the pieces are more solid like the top piece there, and the others looks almost like marble. Very neat! And the wine smells appears to have come out. The interesting fact is that after more than a week, the wine dyed pieces had no mold that I could see. I was a bit surprised at this, as wine also has sugars in it, which is what I assume fed the mold in the beer. Then again, the beer fabrics were left to the open, the wine ones were in ziplock baggies.

This is a piece I actually started working on several years ago, and put aside. Today I added most of the foliage at the bottom edge, as well as the trail and mountain on the left side. It's title is "For Pele's Sake!".

I was also able to do some fabric painting today. Love Dye-Na-Flow! And it was the first time I used silk salt for effects. I was pretty impressed with how well the Textile ones watered down as well...they lightened a bit, but not too dramatically.

It was a good day, and I was so thankful to be back at the studio. It looks as if I will be free to go in again tomorrow too! I will probably continue to work on "For Pele's Sake!" I want to paint the very white background a twilight blue, mottled with the silk salt. I realized it's a bit stupid to add the color to it after the fact...but I believe that garrish white is what made me put it aside several years ago. I will do some testing, but I think I can utilize some "No Flow" to help me get the color in without wrecking the pieces on top. The blue background will also allow me to use black tulle on top to keep the pieces down more easily, and keep them stable after quilting. (I'm afraid the water soluble stabilizer would leave areas at risk, like the lava sparks on top of the volcano.)

I hope to eventually figure out how to get my phone to remote blog..I know it does, just have to get it all worked out and learn it!

1 comment:

Mickey Depre said...

"For Pete's Sake" is EXCELLENT...I am laughing to myself because I too pulled out an "aged" piece on Sunday to finally minds.