Leah Piken Kolidas at Creative Every Day hosts a challenge each November to create a piece of art, everyday through the month. Here's a clip from her website:
I started this project seven years ago as a challenge to myself to create some art every day for one month and post it on my blog. I was inspired by Nanowrimo and wanted to do something similar with art, and thus Art Every Day Month (AEDM) was born. Posting art on my blog every day helped to keep me accountable and it was fun to share my creations. The following year, I invited people to join in and each year since I've had great groups of creative people committing themselves to more creativity for the month of November with me. I've met some fantabulous people through AEDM and I'm thrilled to have anyone who is interested join in! In 2009, I've added an optional Survival Guide to help any one who wants some extra support through the process.
So, in an effort to make sure I got my butt in gear and really do this, I did a little drawing on some scratch paper last night! I absolutely LOVE trees, and a lot of my pieces are either of trees, or at least have a tree in them.
So today, I began my Art Every Day Month activities! They are both whole cloth with fabric marker drawings. This is the first one I did:

It's inspired by the trees outside my kitchen bay window, that are losing the last of their leaves right now. It's around 8"x10". It is available for sale on my etsy site, free shipping! It's not as dark as it appears, it was already dark outside when I took the picture. (I'll try to get a brighter day light image put up soon.)
I was so excited to have some time to work on my art, that I couldn't stop there, so I did this one:

I really like that I minimized how much quilting went into the birch tree, and focused on filling in the background fairly heavily. Also 8x10" (And I'm excited to report that this piece is already sold!)
Of course today was Sunday, so it was easy to get something done for AEDM. The realy challenge will be to keep this up on weekdays when I am working full time. I do look forward to a few weeks from now, when I will have my weekdays back again for awhile to create, create, create!
Have a wonderful night, and hopefully I will be posting a new piece of art tomorrow! (Even if it ends up being a doodle on a post-it note!)
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